by Daniel | Jan 2, 2020 | Recipes
Chocolate Cream High in Protein & Delicious This high-protein chocolate cream is ideal to use in baking or it can be eaten by itself. Servings 18 Ready In: 5 minutes Good For: Dessert, Post Workout, Baking Cream Nutrition information for whole recipe 338kcal | 32g...
by Daniel | Dec 20, 2019 | Recipes, sk
Chocolate Rolls Simplified & satisfying Holidays are typically accompanied by feasts and different cookies. Why instead of skipping the sweets we improved them instead? Servings 18 Ready In: 3h (30min. work) Good For: Dessert, Post Workout Batter Nutrition information...
by Daniel | Oct 13, 2019 | Podcast
Creating Healthy Body & MInd through intuitive Eating with Simone Harding BSc MSc MBPsS 3 Listen on iTunes | Google Podcast | Overcast |Spotify | Anchor SImone Harding BSc MSc MBPsS Nutritionist, Counselling Psychologist in training I help you understand about...
by Daniel | Sep 28, 2019 | Recipes
15 minute pasta two ways Quick, simple, protein rich For those days when you are pressured for time, hungry, or simply don’t have food prepared when you come home, yet you want to make a good choice. Here are two quick versions you can prepare in no time! And not only...
by Daniel | May 29, 2019 | Podcast
20 years vegan with BJJ athlete Matt Steadman StitcheriTunes 3 Matt Steadman BJJ athlete, PN1 certified coach, Matt besides being an amazing person, parent of two, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu practitioner, coach, Matt has been vegan for over 20 years and he is still...