Chocolate Cream

High in Protein & Delicious

This high-protein chocolate cream is ideal to use in baking or it can be eaten by itself.




Ready In:

5 minutes

Good For:

Dessert, Post Workout, Baking


Nutrition information for whole recipe

338kcal | 32g Protein | 20g Carbs | 10g Fat | 8g Fiber
  • 15g Dutch-Process Cocoa Powder
  • 100ml Alpro soya milk, unsweetened
  • 30g DM Vegan Protein Powder vanilla
  • 30g Dried dates
  • 20g Fresh Coconut Meat, shredded


Soak dates in warm water until they soften. Often they dissolve in water, creating a syrup. If not, you can use blender to do so.

Mix all the ingredients and whisk until you get a foamy consistency. You can add more milk as the cream can get heavy.

Put into fridge for 30 minutes or more.


You can use this cream as an ice-cream or as a cream in chocolate rolls.