Omega 3

Omega 3 Omega-3 fatty acids are essential polyunsaturated fatty acids. This means that you need to get them through the diet. They play a role in the suppression of inflammation in the body, in the development of the brain and the nervous system, and have also found...
Runner’s Rice & Beans Bowl

Runner’s Rice & Beans Bowl

Beans and rice is a proven combination that not only tastes good, but also combines plant proteins to make a “complete protein”. The complete protein, along with a generous dose of carbohydrates, is especially suitable after endurance training and when...
Asian oatmeal with crispy tofu

Asian oatmeal with crispy tofu

Fancy a savoury twist on your morning oatmeal? This savoury oatmeal recipe is inspired by Asian flavours, Pho! ️Deeply flavoured vegetable oatmeal is complemented by crispy tofu, and topped with a spicy peanut...