by Daniel | Nov 23, 2021 | Nutrition
Navigating holidays like a nutrition pro! ; Holiday eating should not be scary and restrictive, but rather a time to enjoy the food you would not have otherwise in the circle of your friends and family. Here are the best tips and practices that will help you navigate...
by Daniel | Jan 13, 2021 | Mindsets
Make healthy changes effortless with self-compassion 3 Listen on your favorite platform If you struggle with eating better, losing weight and pushing your performance to the next level, self-criticism and always doing more is not always the answer. Plateau is...
by Daniel | Apr 27, 2020 | Nutrition, Podcast
How to overcome emotional eating with Anastasia Zinchenko, PhD. 3 Listen on iTunes | Google Podcast | Overcast |Spotify | Anchor Anastasia Zinchenko, PhD. Anastasia is international level powerlifter, bodybuilder and badass scientist with a PhD in biochemistry...
by Daniel | Nov 2, 2019 | Nutrition, sk
Stravovacie návyky sú dôležitejšie ako počítanie kalórii Príklad z praxe 3 Pred pár dňami som si otvoril správy na messangeri a tam sa na mňna vyvalil kopec nových správ od jednej z mojich klientiek. Volajme ju Janka. Je to pekný príklad toho, čo často vídam,...
by Daniel | Jun 16, 2019 | Mindsets
I tracked everything I did for three days. What I learned about eating and productivity is staggering! 3 Last year I listened to one episode of Rich Roll’s podcast and they mentioned one concept that touched me deeply. It was about how we can die at any...