Sports Nutrition, Eating Disorders, Supplements

Sports Nutrition, Eating Disorders, Supplements

Sports Nutrition, Eating Disorders, Supplements with Nancy Clark MS, RD, CSSD 3 Podcast Links Nancy Clark MS, RD, CSSD Nancy Clark, MS, RD, CSSD is an internationally respected sports nutritionist, weight coach, nutrition author, and workshop leader. She is a...
Fit Athlete: Best Practices to Getting Fit

Fit Athlete: Best Practices to Getting Fit

Fit Athlete: Best Pracitces of Being Fit 3 Last year I attended a seminar with Doc. RNDr. Viktor Bielik, PhD. about nutrition. This year, I attended another presentation with Mr. Bielik, this time focused on regeneration and fitness. Least to say, I thoroughly...
Vegan Bodybuilder Shaneve Swift

Vegan Bodybuilder Shaneve Swift

Vegan Bodybuilder Shaneve Swift 3 In this episode, Shaneve and me dive into the topic of veganism. Shaneve used to be a track&field athlete during her early years from middle school through college but then she decided to try bodybuilding. It was at the time...