Nancy Clark
Nancy Clark, MS, RD, CSSD is an internationally respected sports nutritionist, weight coach, nutrition author, and workshop leader. She is a registered dietitian (RD) who specializes in nutrition for performance, health, and the nutritional management of eating disorders. She is board certified as a specialist in sports dietietics (CSSD) and a certified WellCoach.
Episode 14 of Daniel Weiss Podcast that focuses on health, nutrition and athletic performance.
In the latest episode of my podcast, Nancy Clark MS, RD, CSSD shared with me her exhaustive experience and knowledge from years of working with athletes and the general public in the field of nutrition.
We dive into the basics of nutrition and eating disorders in athletes, why eating more can be beneficial for your performance goals, why some people fall for fad diets and diet trends, we also mention things like if oil can be a part of a healthy diet and growing vegan diet.
Show notes
00:01:50 Intro
00:01:50 How Nancy got into nutrition
00:03:20 What’s her new edition of book is going to be about
00:04:11 What is new in the world of sports science
00:08:00 How Nancy works with athletes, amateur and elite (training low, personal goals…)
00:10:00 We speak about the mindset, nutrition and training of amateur athletes
00:15:45 The importance of being well-fueled, the optimal weight,
00:18:35 “There are athletes who eat and train and those who diet and exercise.” – eating disorders
00:24:00 Do you need to track your calories? “Your body is your best calorie counter”.
00:27:45 Diet fads vs. ‘wise’ diet – why we fall for diet fads
00:30:40 Sports supplements (collagen, nitrates, caffeine in short) – 1/3 of people have good response, 1/3 of people don’t respond and 1/3 of people respond negatively
00:34:40 Nancy’s position on vegan & vegetarian diet and recommendations
00:40:23 Nancy’s favourite food and cuisine
00:41:50 Using oils in cooking
Related podcast episodes:
- Matt Fitzgerald Endurance nutrition, training and mindset
- Elisa Oras – eating disorders and intuitive eating
- Georgie Fear – Habits to get and stay lean
- Bob Seebohar – Metabolic flexibility training
Mentioned in the episode:
PINES – Professionals in Nutrition for Exercise and Sport (PINES) is a United States-based 501(c)-(3) nonprofit organization focused on linking professionals in nutrition, exercise and sport around the globe, thereby enhancing excellence in sport nutrition services provided to athletes and active individuals.
Learn how to best fuel your body
If you want to learn how to best fuel your body, stop tracking your food and meet with Daniel who specializes in sports nutrition and can help you create a sustainable diet/food plan that fits your unique needs and lifestyle.
- Click the link below
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- Wait for my email to schedule a strategy call. I reply within 24 hours.
Looking forward to hear from you,
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