Elisa Oras on Healing Eating Disorders and Intuitive Eating

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If you are an athlete, a woman or a man working in an industry where appearance matters… well that means you are living in the western human society, you should listen to this podcast.

You see it everywhere. Low carb diet, high carb diet, keto, Intermittent Fasting, gluten-free diet. vegan diet and the list goes on and on. Every few months there is a new diet on the market.

Have you ever thought about it? Have you ever tried to lose weight? Are you eating healthily? We got to the point that we are chasing ideals portrayed by media. Sometimes we even think that it is what we want. You want to have a six-pack or the perfect bottom. I know I wanted to have the six pack a few years ago and it was because of a perceived approval or a status I would (maybe) achieve by having it. Please, take a second and think about why you want that ideal body. Is it for yourself? Is it for the looks? What is your reason, let me know in the comments!

Any kind of altered eating can end up in disordered eating. However, disorders are accepted and even caused by our society. Just remember Nivea’s campaign portraying women of all shapes and sizes and colors to bring attention to this issue. This was a great step from them!

There is still much to do. Many young women in pursue to fit in into standards of beauty, which is closely linked to lean bodies, eating “healthily” and confusion from all the media end up with some of the eating disorders.

Athletes are threatened by it as well. If you want to make a weigh-in, you’ve got to sweat all the water out, which is not very healthy. When you look at endurance athletes, we have the mindset that more is better – more running, more cycling and less weight for better power to weight ratio. This can be dangerous if it makes your life too restrictive, in some way.

I feel it is necessary to note that the dose makes the poison. In this case, what might be too restrictive for me and on a borderline of disordered eating, might be perfectly fine for you. Having said that, I spotted that I might be leaning into the disordered eating territory and that is when I found Elisa on youtube.

From the first moment, I resonated with her message. She shares advice on how to overcome eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, and orthorexia and she was so kind to join me for this podcast episode. 

Mentioned in the podcast:

Reverse dieting – Layne Norton

You can connect with Elisa here:

  1. Facebook
  2. Youtube
  3. Elisa’s ebook (Step-by-step approach to eating disorder recovery!)

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