15 minute pasta two ways
Quick, simple, protein richFor those days when you are pressured for time, hungry, or simply don’t have food prepared when you come home, yet you want to make a good choice. Here are two quick versions you can prepare in no time! And not only are they delicious, but also nutritious choices.
Ready In:
Good For:
Lunch, Dinner
Pasta with curry
Nutrition Information:
696kcal | 36.6g Protein | 102g Carbs | 23g Fat | 24.7g Fiber
- 50g Whole-wheat pasta
- 120g (half can) chickpeas
- 100g Mushrooms
- 1 Onion, small
- 100g Zucchini
- 1/2 tsp Salt, iodized
- 2 tsp Cumin seeds
- 1.5 tsp Turmeric
- 1/2 tsp Chili flakes / Cayenne pepper
- 30g Peanuts, dry roasted, unsalted
- 100g Kale
For the recipe, you can use pre-cooked chickpeas or canned chickpeas as well. I always advice clients to either have a can of different beans and legumes ready in their pantry or alternatively pre-cook and freeze legumes.
That way you are always ready and never caught off-guard when time constrains and hunger strike!

Pasta – Thai
Nutrition Information:
581kcal | 42g Protein | 84g Carbs | 12.8g Fat | 22.2g Fiber
- 50g Whole-wheat pasta
- 50g TVP – texturized vegetable protein
- 100g Mushrooms
- 1 Onion, small
- 100g Zucchini
- 1/2 tsp Salt, iodized
- 2 tsp Cumin seeds
- 1/2 tsp Chili flakes/ cayenne pepper
- 30g (2 tbsp) Coconut milk, whole fat
- 2 Medium carrots
- 1 tbps hemp seeds

When using TVP, you need to properly season it. The best way to do it is to marinade it ahead of time.
Try combination of garlic, ginger, nut butter or coconut milk, soy sauce and tomato paste. Dilute with water.
Step by Step Instructions
Step 1
Boil water and start cooking pasta. In Thai version, add TVP to pasta. The bigger chunks of TVP you have, the longer it will take for them to cook.
Heat up a wok and when it is properly heated, add mushrooms, onion, zucchini and cumin seeds and whole pepper.
There is no need to add water or oil because mushrooms and zucchini contain a lot of water. Lower the heat to medium and stir constantly.
Step 2
When the mushrooms, onion and zucchini is getting dry, you can add a little bit of boiling water from the cooking pasta. Add cayenne pepper, grated ginger, turmeric and cooked or canned chickpeas with a tbsp of tomato paste. You can also add peanuts or peanut butter at this point.
Step 3
After about 10 minutes, when the pasta is cooked al dente, your curry should be ready as well. In a bow, mix pasta, curry and add kale and salt and stir well.