Year 2019 in review


This is the first time I am officially reviewing a year on my website.

First and foremost I would like to thank everybody who stops by to read articles here, listen to podcast, and for your trust in my skills and knowledge.

Year 2019 was for me “The year” because in September I decided to leave my day job and invest my full time and energy into coaching practice. It was a leap of faith to some extend but once I did it, I was reassured I did the right thing. This way I would like to encourage you to take a leap of faith and follow your dreams as well. I know it can be scary, but it is worth it.


My podcast has been running for two years now and I have recorded amazing interviews with professionals from the fields of nutrition, lifestyle and psychology. Danny Lennon from Sigma Nutrition, Chris Masterjohn, PhD., Simone Harding, and 2nd appearance of Nancy Clark RD., CSSD to name a few. I will continue to bring guests into the show in 2020!

I switched to as a platform, which made my life easier.

While the long-form podcast episodes are great from my perspective, most people don’t stick with the whole 60′ long episode. Therefore, I intent to record solo episodes on specific topics and Q&As that will be 10-20′ long. This will also enable me to be more consistent with the podcast.

I will record more episodes in Slovak language as well as my Slovak community is growing more than I expected.

Facebook, Instagram

I am happy that despite relatively low number of likes and followers, I have been steadily growing over the year 2019. High numbers of followers and likes might be foolish to pursue. I’ve never wanted a high number of followers who are just a number in statistics. I would rather want to create real connections with a smaller amount of people.

Without any doubt, I can still improve a lot but I can also say based on face to face interactions with some of my followers, that posts that I create are appreciated and educational.

My goal with social posting is simple: to put science into comprehensive language that any reader could apply without hesitation. Infographics and social posts are part of the solution.

Professional Development

I finished my certification as a Precision Nutrition lvl. 1 coach, and several others.

In 2019 I was also invited to attend a Nutrition & Prevention conference held in Bratislava where international expert speakers from a variety of fields presented their finding. I am looking for closer cooperation next year.

I was also honored to do several presentations, including one for young talented soccer players.


Since September 2019 I started to collaborate with experts and centers internationally. Let me introduce them to you.

Michal Kopčan – mental coach – it all starts in mind. My own origins of coaching are in mental coaching but Michal is the guy when you want to improve your performance and life.

Young Talents – agency that develops young football players and help them reach their potential. I am happy to cooperate with them and to provide nutrition counseling to these talented kids!

Movement Institute is a gym in Bratislava, Slovakia where coaches work with clients one on one to help athletes to improve their sport performance, recover from injuries and lose weight. You can meet me training and providing nutrition counseling there.

Petra Fašungová, who I’ve known for a few years but started cooperating with only recently. She is a former professional duathlonist and a coach. You can be looking forward to our close cooperation in future. If you need a running training plan, she will cover it and take out all the guess work from your training so you can focus all your attention on your running.

Athlegan – I am proud to be a part of the Athlegan international coaching team, which focuses on vegan athletes and people wanting to make the switch to plant-based diet. The community has grown rapidly this year and people interested in improving their health and performance is a reflection of that.