Kate Solovieva

Kate Solovieva

master coach

Kate Solovieva is a psychology college professor turned coach. She loves peanut butter, coffee, the colour orange, and long gruelling races in exotic destinations.

Kate combines her academic psychology background with extensive coaching experience, as she speaks on topics of behavioral change, habit formation, stress management, and coaching strategies.


Feeling tired, a little gloomy, or even downright down in the dumps as the seasons shift to winter? Maybe you’ve noticed those extra winter pounds sneaking in. Well, guess what? You could be wrestling with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

❄️ What’s the deal with winter?

Imagine this: as winter rolls in and daylight becomes scarcer, your mood takes a plunge. That’s SAD for you!

But there’s more to this story.

Coach Kate Solovieva to the Rescue!

Meet Coach Kate, your SAD superhero! She’s here to unravel the mysteries of why SAD happens and, more importantly, what you can do about it.

Winter Eats vs. Summer Treats

  • We dive into how our eating habits go for a toss in winter. Ever noticed your cravings shifting with the season? Kate’s got insights!
  • We’ll explore seasonal eating – it’s more than just pumpkin spice lattes!
  • Kate shares expert tips on how you can use your energy now and save it for later.

So, if winter’s got you feeling like you’re in a never-ending Netflix binge of sadness, don’t fret! Coach Kate Solovieva is here to shine a light on your winter blues and help you navigate the frosty months with a smile. ❄️

Take aways:

– When it comes to eating seasonally, it’s essential to consider your location and what fresh produce is available. In those colder months, think about incorporating root vegetables, hearty soups, and chilies with ingredients that have a longer shelf life.

– Embrace the idea of enjoying foods when they are in season. For instance, relish those juicy tomatoes during the summer for the best taste and nutrition.

– If you’re an athlete, like a dedicated runner, tweaking your nutrition seasonally can work wonders. Adjust your carbohydrate intake according to your training volume to optimize your performance.

– Effectively managing your energy during seasonal transitions involves being mindful of what you consume. Keep an eye on your caffeine, alcohol, and processed carbohydrate intake, especially in the darker months when energy levels might dip.

– Recognize how your emotions can influence your food choices. Choose foods that align with your energy levels and well-being, and understand that sometimes it’s better to skip that pizza on a particularly stressful day.

– Take a moment to notice the natural fluctuations in your mood and energy levels. Rather than resisting them, adapt your nutrition and activities to work harmoniously with these changes.

Become a high performing athlete

Improve your sports performance and health with personalized online coaching. You will learn all you need to know about how to eat for health and performance, how to create balanced meals, avoid cravings and get accountability and support necessary for you to succeed