Pred pár dňami som kontaktoval Michaelu s tým, že som bol zvedavý ako sa jej darí šesť mesiacov po ukončení našej spolupráce.
Often, we can see that people go on extreme diets and are excited when they achieve results fast. But a few months later there will be a yo-yo effect. This is because their habits and mental conditioning have not changed.
With her permission, I want to share how her life has changed since the beginning of our cooperation. I was surprised myself!
Meno: Michaela
Vek: 43 rokov
Pracovná pozícia: štátny zamestnanec (sedavé zamestnanie)
Záľuby: Crossfit
Telesný tuk na začiatku spolupráce: cca. 20%
“Weighing food is pure stress. Since I stopped doing it, I’ve been happy, without stressing about whether I have a gram of food more or less. Having a clear head, absence of stress, and not being overzealous are the foundations.”
Michaela je aktívna žena, s ktorou som spolupracoval v roku 2019. Jej ciele boli jasné: stratiť tuk, zvýšiť silu a výkonnosť. </strong:
Michaela chcela nájsť spôsob stravovania, ktorý jej umožní získať postavu, s ktorou bude spokojná. V jej prípade to znamenalo aj tehličky na bruchu.
During our conversations, I found that she attained her goal in the past, but only through strict dieting, calorie counting and regular CrossFit training, and running. Despite her fondness for CrossFit and her active lifestyle, she couldn’t maintain her dream body, which frustrated her.
During our cooperation, there were mental changes that reflected her body.
"Cvičím aby som mohla jesť."
Ako mnohí ľudia, ktorí sa snažia schudnúť, videla sacharidy ako nepriateľa. Práve sacharidy boli často predmetom našich konverzácii.
Fear of a particular food or macronutrient sometimes prevents us from achieving our goals. E.g. Efforts to avoid carbohydrates can be stressful and result in the inability to lose fat. In my work, I focus on the mental side. (note Daniel)
“Weighing food is pure stress. Since I stopped doing it, I’ve been happy, without stressing about whether I have a gram of food more or less. Having a clear head, absence of stress, and not being overzealous are the foundations.”
Tu je náš rozhovor 6 mesiacov po ukončení spolupráce:
And here is what she has to say 4 years later
Michaela was surprised by the amount of activity she accumulated in 2022, and wants to challenge herself even more in 2023.
“I do what I like and I’m happy about it. I stopped thinking about how I look, but I think about how I feel ? I realized what makes me happy… body or soul?”