High-Protein Chocolate Cream

High-Protein Chocolate Cream

Chocolate Cream High in Protein & Delicious This high-protein chocolate cream is ideal to use in baking or it can be eaten by itself. Servings 18 Ready In: 5 minutes Good For: Dessert, Post Workout, Baking Cream Nutrition information for whole recipe 338kcal | 32g...
Say Yes to Pizza: Here is How to Make it a Healthy Food

Say Yes to Pizza: Here is How to Make it a Healthy Food

Say Yes to Pizza: Here is How to Make it a Healthy Food ; [Vegan Sour-dough recipe video below] Do you like pizza? I know you do! And do you blame it for your unsuccessful weight-loss result? Don’t! It can be a part of a healthy diet and let’s answer how....
Eating Disorders with former Miss Canada Ailey Jolie

Eating Disorders with former Miss Canada Ailey Jolie

Change your relationship with food and exercise with Ailey Jolie anorexia, orthorexia, excessive exercise, mindfulness 3 Listen on iTunes | Google Podcast | Overcast |Spotify | Anchor Ailey Jolie coach I once lived with an eating disorder. My experiences in the...
So What Should I Eat?!

So What Should I Eat?!

So, What Should I Eat? Entry Guide to Nutrition Nutrition is a big topic nowadays. Big, unfortunately doesn’t make it comprehensive, quite the opposite. If you have been searching for the perfect diet for some time now, you might have ended where I was –...