Boost Your Vegan Athletic Performance by Avoiding This Common Mistake
While plant-based diets have many benefits, they have a lot of pitfalls as well, especially for those of us who are very active. Let me lead you through the biggest mistakes that lead to unwanted weight loss, loss of performance, loss of lean muscle mass or general tiredness, and give you suggestions for changes that you can make right now so you start to feel energized and powerful again!
Books that changed my view on nutrition
Just a few years back, publishing a book was a symbol of trust because books could only be published through a small group of information gatekeepers (i.e. publishing houses). This made publishing more difficult for individuals but it largely helped protect readers...
Seasonal rhythms of our bodies
Seasonal depression, weight gain, more cravings for sweets, or lowered immunity are associated with the change of seasons. According to some hypotheses, deviation from our natural seasonal biorhythms is to blame. Why are seasonal biorhythms essential? Humans are...
Plant Protein, Muscle Growth, and Performance
Plant proteins have long been considered inadequate for health. Now it is becoming more widely recognised that plant proteins are adequate for both health and athletic performance. In some cases even better. Are plant and animal proteins the same? Protein is one of...
Body Recomposition: How to Lose Fat and Build Muscle
A higher proportion of muscle and less fat on the body not only looks good, but are associated with better health and allows athletes to maximize performance. Optimal body composition depends on your goals and where you start. Therefore, it makes a difference how an...
Damian, a runner, father and entrepreneur
Many recreational runners want to improve their times, run faster and further. Damián: "My original motivation, to run longer or to improve my time, seems not to be why I do it. My nature is numbers, numbers, numbers, and you taught me not to look at those numbers...
Carbohydrate quality and weight
An article from NBC News says sugar should be behind bars and starchy vegetables are an even bigger enemy. The same week a video came out from popular fitness trainer Jordan Syatt, who ate candy, bread, pumpkin lattes, even pure sugar for 30 days and lost 6kg (12lbs)...
Seasonal mood & energy swings, and seasonal eating with Kate Solovieva
Listen on iTunes | Google Podcast | Overcast |Spotify | AnchorKate Solovieva is a psychology college professor turned coach. She loves peanut butter, coffee, the colour orange, and long gruelling races in exotic destinations. Kate combines her academic psychology...
Cardio for health and sports performance
Cardiovascular training is important for general health and sports performance. It strengthens our heart, helps burn energy, and improves cell function. However, cardio can be performed at various intensities. Some people prefer shorter, high-intensity workouts, while...
How you eat matters as much as what you eat
How we eat has as big effect as what we eat. Do you eat slowly or quickly? Do you savour food or eat while working? Alone or in company? How we consume food has an impact not only on our enjoyment of the meal but also on our health. Fast eating leads to digestive...
Ep. 101: Fit female has lost her period and is unhappy with her weight
Listen on iTunes | Google Podcast | Overcast |Spotify | AnchorMissing the menstrual cycle is a quite common problem in athletic women. But just because it is common, it does not mean it should be accepted. Often, it is one of the first signs of Low Energy...

Daniel Weiss
Nutrition Coach